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This tutorial is made for people who are having trouble learning or have no clue how to go about learning a back complete with a spin. Here's how you spin: initiate the spin by throwing your arm aroun ...
From an episode of the Frank Sinatra Show in 1951, Larry Griswold performs death defying stunts in the name of entertainment. Griswold, an American gymnast, entertainer, and co-inventor of the trampol ...
Pom-pom pyramids? Kids' stuff! When it comes to building sky-high human towers, who could ever match the skill and heroism of the castellers—or castle builders—of Catalonia, Spain? Nadie! Nobody! Thes ...
A trampoline is one of the most fun things you can possibly have in your back yard. If you have one and are looking to learn some tricks to do on it, the back flip is a good place to start. Watch this ...
If you're a dancer, gymnast, cheerleader or tumbler, then you definitely need to know this gymnastic move. It's called a back handspring, but before you try and do one, you need to perfect a basic han ...
Whether you plan on doing the splits for your hip dance routine or your gymnastics, this tutorial will show kids the best way possible to perform the flexible move. This is a more advanced stretch, in ...
You've heard of the handstand, but what about an elbow stand? Elbow stands are actually easier than handstands, so anybody can do these. Katrina and Sloane teach you how to perform these elbow stands ...
Show off your im-"press"-ive handstand moves with this pressed handstand. If you can't seem to perfect the handstand press, then these girls will show you how to do one like a professional gymnast. Le ...
If you're into urban tricking, parkour and freerunning, you probably know all about the B-twist. It's also a move highly used in gymnastics and acrobatics, and it's full name is the butterfly twist, w ...